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Root Sacral Navel Heart Throat Third Eye Crown

Manipura, or, "Navel Chakra"

The third Chakra, Manipura, The Navel Chakra, located between the navel and solar plexus, is the core of our personality, our identity, of our ego.

The corresponding element is Fire, therefore it is also known as the Fire or Sun Centre. The fire element manifests in the body as heat in the Solar Plexus. The Manipura Chakra is the centre of vitality. It controls our energy balance to strengthen and consolidate our health. This Chakra has an effect like a magnet, attracting Prana from the Cosmos. As the seat of digestive fire, this Chakra regulates the function of the Pancreas and digestive organs. Blockages in this centre can cause many health problems such as digestive disorders, circulatory disease, diabetes and fluctuations in blood pressure. However, a strong and active Manipura Chakra greatly supports good health and assists us in overcoming many illnesses. When the energy of this Chakra flows freely, the effect is like that of a power station, constantly supplying vitality - bestowing balance and strength.

This energy center is associated with your self-esteem, sense of purpose, personal identity, individual will, digestion, and metabolism.

When the navel chakra is out of alignment, digestive issues can arise. This can show up as improper processing of nutrients, constipation, or irritable bowl syndrome. Imbalances in this energy center are also associated with eating disorders, ulcers, diabetes, issues with pancreas, liver, and colon.

As you work with this chakra, cultivate a willingness to gain insight into your understanding of power, individuality, and identification. Are there areas of your life where you feel powerless? How does this manifest? In some a misaligned naval chakra can make skillful self-expression challenging. In some it manifests as aggressive, overly rigid, or controlling behavior, in others it breeds a victim mentality, neediness, and lack of direction or self-esteem to stand up and take positive action.

When the navel chakra is healthy alignment, you will be comfortable with your own inherent power and become empowered. You will have a sense of who you are and why you are here. When you connect with your purpose you gain a deeper understanding of how you as an individual can contribute to the collective in a beneficial way. You will let go of the things—whether it’s your job or bank account balance—that you depend on to define who you are. Those things may have value but over-valuing anything that subject to change is a quick road to suffering. You have inherent value, take the time through practice to investigate it and you will be less dependent on external sources of happiness.

Chakra Healing Sound and Balancing for the Solar Plexus at 528 Hz

Have Your Aura and Chakra Attunement Performed at the Healthy You Studio! Submit a message on the Contact Page to arrange your appointment.

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