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Sahaswara, or, "Crown"

The Seventh Chakra, Sahaswara, The Crown Chakra is the center for trust, devotion, inspiration, happiness, and positivity. It's also the center for deeper connection with ourselves and deeper connection with a force of life that is greater than ourselves. For this reason, it can be quite useful to have tools to open the crown chakra.

If under-activity or a blockage is happening in your Crown Chakra you will probably feel like you lack a purpose in life. You may think that it is all meaningless, and in this thinking, will develop a mental "disease". You may feel unloved, or angry at God, and blame life circumstance on something that is outside of you. Co-ordination difficulties, clumsiness, or poor balance may result from an underactive crown chakra. New ideas or newer, positive out-looks on life will be hard for you to grasp, if you accept them at all. You will probably lack spiritual exploration and have no desire to discover your inner self. You may also be excessively afraid of dying.

The Physical Symptoms of an Imbalance in the Sahasrara include; Muscular disease, chronic exhaustion that has no medical explaination, sensitivity to light, certain sounds or environment (commonly found in autism). Headaches and migraines often occur when imbalances occur in the Crown, as well as mood swings and inability to cope in life.

Opening the Crown Chakra

1. Get inspired.
One way to open the crown chakra is through inspiration. For example, think of a music concert that you attended or a song you love. Remember how that made you feel. If you enjoyed the concert or song you probably felt uplifted, inspired, open and positive. That is the feeling of the open crown. To open the crown chakra you can listen to inspiring music, take a walk in nature, read an uplifting poem, or see a gorgeous sunset. Anything that brings you inspiration will open your crown chakra. Take a moment to reflect on what brings you inspiration. Be sure to include some inspiration in your daily life in order to keep the crown chakra open.

2. Practice affirmations
A second way to open the crown chakra is through the use of inspiring affirmations. For example, repeat this affirmation to yourself:

I am open and expanded.
I expand my idea of what is possible.
As I expand my idea of what is possible, I help to bring it in.
I am open and expanded.

   Become aware now of the open, expanded feeling at the top of your head. Again, this is the feeling of the open crown chakra. Repeat inspiring affirmation through out the day as a way to keep the crown chakra open.

3. Visualize.
A third way to open the crown chakra is through visualization. Take a moment now and image a golden orb of light filling the top of your head. See this golden orb of light growing and expanding. Imagine it is elevating your thoughts and filling you with a feeling of positivity. Imagine streams of golden light coming from the top of your head, connecting you up into the heavens. Feel an open and expanded feeling at the top of your head. Feel your oneness and unity with all of life. Feel your connection to a force of life greater than yourself. Affirm: I am connected to a force of life greater than myself. Feel this connection and know that you are never alone.
As you hold this vision you are helping to open the crown chakra and strengthening your connection with a force of life that is greater than yourself.

As you can see, learning to open your crown chakra is a very valuable tool. Work with these tools daily in order to feel greater inspiration, trust, positivity, and connection to a force of life that is greater than your self.

Chakra Balancing for the Crown Chakra Healing Meditation at 963 hz

Have Your Aura and Chakra Attunement Performed at the Healthy You Studio! Submit a message on the Contact Page to arrange your appointment.

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